Our growing traffic problem
won’t fix itself.
Keep Placer County Moving
Local Problems Need Local Solutions
While state taxes cover pothole repairs, there isn’t enough funding to build and expand roads. Our plan prioritizes new local roads and expanding existing ones to ease congestion and safely accommodate planned growth in South Placer’s communities.
Addressing Our Growing Needs
After consulting residents and leaders over two years, PCTPA identified transportation priorities in South Placer County and developed a draft plan to protect our quality of life through key transportation investments.
Major Highway Projects for Less Congestion and Safer Roads
Since most South Placer residents rely on our freeways and roads, our transportation plan allocates the largest share of funds to expanding this system. Key projects include the Interstate 80 Highway 65 Interchange Improvement Project and the 65 Widening Project, which will alleviate traffic congestion and increase safety.
I-80 / Highway 65 Interchange Improvements
The Numbers
Phase 1 construction is complete, but the interchange needs three more phases of improvements. When complete, this reconfiguration will dramatically improve traffic flow and safety.
Total Project Improvement Cost: $820 million
Estimated Funding from Other Sources: $430 million
Local Match Contribution: $390 million
Highway 65 Widening
The Numbers
Despite rapid growth in South Placer, Highway 65 hasn’t been expanded since the 1990’s. This project would widen Highway 65 in both directions from Lincoln to I-80, relieving congestion.
Total Project Improvement Cost: $352 million
Estimated Funding from Other Sources: $252 million
Local Match Contribution: $100 million
Improving Our Quality of Life through Alternative Transportation
Our transportation investment plan also includes projects to improve Dial-A-Ride buses for seniors and the disabled and investments in sidewalks and bike lanes. These alternative forms of transportation ensure a safer commuting experience for all Placer residents.

Affordable Solutions for Better Infrastructure
We cannot control things happening at the federal and state levels, but we can take control of our local economic prosperity through trusted leaders living in our community. With the recent passage of a historic federal infrastructure plan, there will be plenty of funding available for much-needed transportation improvements. Our plan can make it possible for South Placer County to receive matching funds and not miss out on funds needed to upgrade our infrastructure and roads.